Enoch Initiative

Yodeli Apiary Phase 1-2 Update!

In July 2021, thanks to generous donors like you, funding for the 1st Phase of the Apiary Project was received and on July 2nd, 2021 $938 USD was sent to Uganda!

Opio, Patrick, Jimmy, Isaac, and the entire Yodeli Team + 44 eventual beneficiaries of the project worked hard to execute Phase 1 according to plan.

The video below shows where we started, the work that was done, and a sneak peak of what’s coming in Phase 2!

Purpose of Phase 1:

Phase 1 was intended to be a Proof of Concept (POC). We were testing if the location of the hives were feasible and maintainable for the establishment of an Apiary including: Colonization Rate, Distance to Market, Transportation Expenses, and more.


  • 44 beneficiaries in the areas helped to setup the hives (Community Involvement)
  • Apiary of 15 hives setup in Amononeno, Uganda (9 colonized so far!)
  • Apiary of 15 hives setup in Awei, Uganda (0 colonized so far!)
  • Both apiary’s fenced to protect hives from larger predators
  • Hives baited to attract bees

Barriers identified to overcome in preparation for Phase 2:

  • The distance between Lira, Awei, & Amononeno is too great for the trainer (Patrick) to effectively and regularly visit the sites and train the locals on how to maintain, bait, smoke, and harvest the hives without an extended stay which is impossible with current day jobs. For now, Patrick is doing all of the work at the hives. A motorcycle is requested for Phase 2.
  • Bee suits & Smokers were not accounted for in Phase 1, though now that Amononeno has colonized as much and as quickly as it has, they are going to be needed ASAP (likely before Phase 2), just to continue our POC. For now, Patrick is using some older worn out bee suits & smokers from a former employer/friend.

For the full report from Yodeli you can download the Yodeli Field Report.

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