Enoch Initiative

Started by 4 friends

We started out on a quest to help some good friends in need in Uganda. After helping them craft a business model which would provide stable economic growth, nutrition, and employment in their region, we realized we had a responsibility to help them achieve this vision. Thus Enoch Initiative was born.

On a mission to change the world

There were many lengthy discussions in the beginning about what and or if the world needed yet another humanitarian organization. It was clear we were made a difference for our friends in Uganda, but we questioned what we could bring to the world that would be substantial. After months of discussions we concluded on our Vision & Mission as an organization.

Our Vision

Create a sustainable and self-reliant world free from poverty, malnutrition, and knowledge barriers.

Our Mission

To stimulate economic growth, promote self-reliance, and foster greater unity among communities by providing coaching, resources, and alliances.

Offering a hand up

Today we help people all around the world “level up” in life by implementing proven principles in their life that help them succeed. We help people succeed in life no matter their circumstances. As long as someone is willing to do the necessary work in their own life, we can help them reach their goals. See our model here.

Our approach to helping

We meet people where they're at

We teach them how to get to where they want to go

We help them get there

And welcoming all to our cause

As we continue to pursue a global model of helping people which can translate across and around the world, we find incredible people in unlikely places willing to join our cause and see it through to fruition. We are striving to make an impact and welcome all to our cause.

Striving to make an impact...

An ancient prophet spoken of in the Bible did something previously unheard of… He taught his people how to live and love one another in such a way that there was no poor among them. His name? Enoch.

We recognize there is a diversity of beliefs in the world today and a variety of ways in which people are inspired to make changes in their life. It is for this reason that we chose to take a principle-based approach to helping. Principles don’t change over time. WHEN you sleep may change, but THAT you need adequate sleep does not change.

By basing our helping on unchanging principles, we are helping people to live lives full of growth, success, joy, and fulfillment.

Interested in joining us? Give us a shout!


The people making this possible!

Matthew Havertz

Ryan Anderson

Terry Brown

Alex Hugie

Nathan Blaylock

Jacob Zimmerman

Alicia Jenkins

Hayden Manning

Nayara Anderson